17 research outputs found

    Testing, runtime verification, and analysis of concurrent programs

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    With the development of multi-core processors, concurrent programs are becoming more and more popular. Among several models, the multithreaded shared-memory model is the predominant programming paradigm for developing concurrent programs. However, because of non-deterministic scheduling, multithreaded code is hard to develop and test. Concurrency bugs, such as data races, atomicity violations, and deadlocks, are hard to detect and fix in multithreaded programs. To test and verify multithreaded programs, two sets of techniques are needed. The first one is to enforce thread schedules and runtime properties efficiently. Being able to enforce desired thread schedules and runtime properties would greatly help developers to develop reliable multithreaded code. The second one is to explore the state space of multithreaded programs efficiently. Systematic state-space exploration could guarantee correctness for mul- tithreaded code, however, it is usually time consuming and thus infeasible in most cases. This dissertation presents several techniques to address challenges arising in testing and runtime verification of multithreaded programs. The first two techniques are the IMUnit framework for enforcing testing schedules and the EnforceMOP system for enforcing runtime properties for multithreaded programs. An experimental evaluation shows that our techniques can enforce thread schedules and runtime properties effectively and efficiently, and have their own advantages over existing techniques. The other techniques are the RV-Causal framework and the CAPP technique in the ReEx framework for efficient state-space exploration of multithreaded code. RV-Causal employs the idea of the maximal causal model for state-space exploration in a novel way to reduce the exploration cost, without losing the ability to detect certain types of concurrency bugs. The results show that RV-Causal outperforms existing techniques by finding concurrency bugs and exploring the entire state space much more efficiently

    Systematic Concurrency Testing with Maximal Causality

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    We propose the first systematic concurrent program testing approach that is able to cover the entire scheduling space with a provably minimal number of test runs. Each run corresponds to a distinct maximal causal model extracted from a given execution trace, which captures the largest possible set of causally equivalent legal executions. The maximal causal models can be represented using first-order logic constraints, and testing all the executions comprised by a maximal causal model reduces to offline constraint solving. Based on the same constraint model, we also develop a schedule generation algorithm that iteratively generates new casually different schedules. The core idea is to systematically force previous read operations to read different values, thus enumerating all the causal models. We have implemented our approach in an explicit stateless model checker, and our eval- uation showed that our technique is able to 1) find concurrency bugs faster; 2) finish state space exploration with much fewer schedules than previous techniques.NSF CCF-1218605NSA grant H98230-10-C-0294Rockwell Collins contract 4504813093DARPA HACMS program as SRI subcontract 19-000222Ope

    Improved multithreaded unit testing.

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    ABSTRACT Multithreaded code is notoriously hard to develop and test. A multithreaded test exercises the code under test with two or more threads. Each test execution follows some schedule/interleaving of the multiple threads, and different schedules can give different results. Developers often want to enforce a particular schedule for test execution, and to do so, they use time delays (Thread.sleep in Java). Unfortunately, this approach can produce false positives or negatives, and can result in unnecessarily long testing time. This paper presents IMUnit, a novel approach to specifying and executing schedules for multithreaded tests. We introduce a new language that allows explicit specification of schedules as orderings on events encountered during test execution. We present a tool that automatically instruments the code to control test execution to follow the specified schedule, and a tool that helps developers migrate their legacy, sleep-based tests into event-based tests in IMUnit. The migration tool uses novel techniques for inferring events and schedules from the executions of sleep-based tests. We describe our experience in migrating over 200 tests. The inference techniques have high precision and recall of over 75%, and IMUnit reduces testing time compared to sleepbased tests on average 3.39x

    Interacting with Large Distributed Datasets using Sketch

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    We present Sketch, a distributed software infrastructure for building interactive tools for exploring large datasets, distributed across multiple machines. We have built three sophisticated applications using this framework: a billion-row spreadsheet, a distributed log browser, and a distributed- systems performance debugging tool. Sketch applications allow interactive and responsive exploration of complex distributed datasets, scaling gracefully to large system sizes. The conflicting constraints of large-scale data and small timescales required by human interaction are difficult to satisfy simultaneously. Sketch exploits a sweet spot in this trade-off by exploiting the observation that the precision of a data view is limited by the resolution of the user?s screen. The system pushes data reduction operations to the data sources. The core Sketch abstraction provides a narrow programming interface; Sketch clients construct a distributed application by stacking modular components with identical interfaces, each providing a useful feature: network transparency, concurrency, fault-tolerance, straggler avoidance, round-trip reduction, distributed aggregation

    Configuration Smells in Continuous Delivery Pipelines: A Linter and a Six-Month Study on GitLab

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    An effective and efficient application of Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) requires software projects to follow certain principles and good practices. Configuring such a CI/CD pipeline is challenging and error-prone. Therefore, automated linters have been proposed to detect errors in the pipeline. While existing linters identify syntactic errors, detect security vulnerabilities or misuse of the features provided by build servers, they do not support developers that want to prevent common misconfigurations of a CD pipeline that potentially violate CD principles (“CD smells”). To this end, we propose CD-Linter, a semantic linter that can automatically identify four different smells in pipeline configuration files. We have evaluated our approach through a large-scale and long-term study that consists of (i) monitoring 145 issues (opened in as many open-source projects) over a period of 6 months, (ii) manually validating the detection precision and recall on a representative sample of issues, and (iii) assessing the magnitude of the observed smells on 5,312 open-source projects on GitLab. Our results show that CD smells are accepted and fixed by most of the developers and our linter achieves a precision of 87% and a recall of 94%. Those smells can be frequently observed in the wild, as 31% of projects with long configurations are affected by at least one smell

    Does distance hinder the collaboration between Australian universities in the humanities, arts and social sciences?

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    Australia is a vast country with an average distance of 1911 km between its eight state capital cities. The quantitative impact of this distance on collaboration practices between Australian universities and between different types of Australian universities has not been examined previously and hence our knowledge about the spatial distribution effects, if any, on collaboration practices and opportunities is very limited. The aim of the study reported here was therefore to analyse the effect of distance on the collaboration activities of humanities, arts and social science scholars in Australia, using co-authorship as a proxy for collaboration. In order to do this, gravity models were developed to determine the distance effects on external collaboration between universities in relation to geographic region and institutional alliance of 25 Australian universities. Although distance was found to have a weak impact on external collaboration, the strength of the research publishing record within a university (internal collaboration) was found to be an important factor in determining external collaboration activity levels. This finding would suggest that increasing internal collaboration within universities could be an effective strategy to encourage external collaboration between universities. This strategy becomes even more effective for universities that are further away from each other. Establishing a hierarchical structure of different types of universities within a region can optimise the location advantage in the region to encourage knowledge exchange within that region. The stronger network could also attract more collaboration between networks

    EnforceMOP: A Runtime Property Enforcement System for Multithreaded Programs

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    Multithreaded programs are hard to develop and test. In order for programs to avoid unexpected concurrent behaviours at runtime, for example data-races, synchronization mechanisms are typically used to enforce a safe subset of thread interleavings. Also, to test multithreaded programs, developers need to enforce the precise thread schedules that they want to test. These tasks are nontrivial and error prone. This paper presents EnforceMOP, a framework for spec- ifying and enforcing complex properties in multithreaded Java programs. A property is enforced at runtime by blocking the threads whose next actions would violate it. This way the remaining threads, whose execution is safe, can make global progress until the system eventually reaches a global state in which the blocked threads can be safely unblocked and allowed to execute. Users of EnforceMOP can specify the properties to be enforced using the expressive MOP multi-formalism notation, and can provide code to be executed at deadlock (when no thread is safe to continue). EnforceMOP was used in two different kinds of applica- tions. First, to enforce general properties in ultithreaded programs, as a formal, semantic alternative to the exist- ing rigid and sometimes expensive syntactic snchronization mechanisms. Second, to enforce testing desirable schedules in unit testing of multithreaded programs, as an alternative to the existing limited and often adhoc techniques. Results show that EnforceMOP is able to effectively express and enforce complex properties and schedules in both scenarios.unpublishednot peer reviewe

    Change-aware preemption prioritization

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    Successful software evolves as developers add more features, respond to requirements changes, and fix faults. Regression testing is widely used for ensuring the validity of evolving software. As regression test suites grow over time, it becomes expensive to execute them. The problem is exacerbated when test suites contain multithreaded tests. These tests are generally long running as they explore many different thread schedules searching for concurrencyfaults suchas dataraces, atomicity violations, and deadlocks. While many techniques have been proposed for regression test prioritization, selection, and minimization for sequential tests, there is not much work for multithreaded code. We present a novel technique, called Change-Aware Preemption Prioritization (CAPP), thatuses information about the changes in software evolution to prioritize the exploration of schedules in a multithreaded regression test. We have implemented CAPP in two frameworks for systematic exploration of multithreaded Java code. We evaluated CAPP on the detection of 15 faults in multithreaded Java programs, including large open-source programs. The results show that CAPP can substantially reduce the exploration required to detect multithreaded regression faults. Categories andSubject Descriptor

    BALLERINA: Automatic Generation and Clustering of Efficient Random Unit Tests for Multithreaded Code

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    Abstract—Testing multithreaded code is hard and expensive. A multithreaded unit test creates two or more threads, each executing one or more methods on shared objects of the class under test. Such unit tests can be generated at random, but basic random generation produces tests that are either slow or do not trigger concurrency bugs. Worse, such tests have many false alarms, which require human effort to filter out. We present BALLERINA, a novel technique for automated random generation of efficient multithreaded tests that effectively trigger concurrency bugs. BALLERINA makes tests efficient by having only two threads, each executing a single, randomly selected method. BALLERINA increases chances that such simple parallel code finds bugs by appending it to more complex, randomly generated sequential code. We also propose a clustering technique to reduce the manual effort in inspecting failures of automatically generated multithreaded tests. We evaluate BALLERINA on 14 real-world bugs from six popular codebases: Groovy, JDK, JFreeChart, Apache Log4j, Apache Lucene, and Apache Pool. The experiments show that tests generated by BALLERINA find bugs on average 2X-10X faster than basic random generation, and our clustering technique reduces the number of inspected failures on average 4X-8X. Using BALLERINA, we found three previously unknown bugs, two of which were already confirmed and fixed. I